How can you use social media to support and protect your brand?
Social media is becoming a bigger and bigger social influence every day. There is no longer face-to-face conversation. Social media is now the newest form of socializing between youth. There are approximately 400 million facebook users. That means approximately 280 million of them value the expressed opinions of people they don’t even know.( Juan Martinez).This is just facebook, this does not include the several other social networking site that people take a daily involvement in everyday! People don’t even have to be at home anymore to access these social networking sites. They have gone mobile; anyone can access them from a cell phone. This can put you on your way to success or kill your brand. These social networking sites can support your brand in promotions and followings. These sites are free and you have access to over millions of people. These sites offer you free promotions for your brand. This can save you tons of money; if you use these sites to the full potential. You can have your own page for your brand and advertise like heck. This is one way these site can support your brand! Your customer can follow your product on these sites. When you are offering deals, sales, coupons, and introduction to a new product these sites are, the easiest way for your customer to access this information. These can also protect your brand. By having such a strong following you can have support. Also if you start having bad publicity or a misunderstanding; you can protect your brand by commenting or posting the real story. If anyone has any questions they can go to the source. Some people now view these sites as a need to the brand success. I think these sites can only help you if you use them properly!
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